Friday, November 19, 2004

Ready? Break!!

So we've been released from the madhouse for a whole week. Many get to go home. Some are stuck at school (Sorry). What are you doing???

Personally, I have too many papers to write and too many books to read, so naturally I will spend most of my break watching movies with my cousins. But I will live at home and I don't have to drive to La Sierra for a whole week. All of this is negated by the fact that I will spend Thanksgiving dinner in Riverside. I just can't get away.

So, what are you plans? I want full descriptions and details. Don't worry about length, I have all week to read them!

Wow, that was corny. Sorry.


Blogger Diana said...

Well, I plan to relax, enjoy the cold, and ignore my homework up until the very end. HA! I'm going to read The View from Nebo: How Archaeology is Rewriting the Bible and Reshaping the Middle East...finally! I'm so glad I get to do some reading for fun. It's about time! I'm going to eat a lot, and listen to Christmas music. I'm going to go to Ontario Mills to Foozle's and buy more books that I won't have time to read for at least seven years. I'm going to have Thanksgiving dinner, and sit in the spa. I'm going to go to a Clay Aiken Christmas concert, and I'm going to write in my journal. I'm going to catch up on my email, and enjoy my fantastic new bed. I'm going to play with all four cats, and bid on eBay. I'm going to watch movies, and enjoy the wireless internet in the house. I'm going to sleep in every morning, and go to bed early every night. I'm going to wear hideous, warm clothing, and eat mandarin oranges off of my tree. La vie est belle. :)

7:31 PM  
Blogger Resident Apt. Six said...

Portland is fun.

I'm currently working in my phil paper (or I suppose in this moment NOT working on my phil paper) But I have the option of office hours. HA! (not really, but it makes me feel smug)

The food for Thaksgiving Diner was amazing! These people know how to cook (and party)

12:42 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

I'm vaguely unsettled by that. But I'll assume that since you're still planning on coming back (I think), there's nothing to be too worried about...

1:35 PM  
Blogger Juliet said...

It rained! My week is complete, as on this last weekend before I am to be locked up in the shackles of college once more, there is water pouring forth from the sky.

Ha! Who needs Portland! (I'm just jealous...shhh)

5:26 PM  
Blogger Ralikat said...

I'll be in school! Taking classes! Writing papers! Giving presentations! Burning in Hell!!!

Wait...oh yes, Thanksigivng?!

They don't do that here in the UK. We get up, we go to classes, and we get homework. It's crap.

But a lady is putting on Thanksgiving dinner for whoever wanted. It cost £4. Who has to pay for a Thanksgiving meal?!

Sigh. I do. =0(

But at least it was really good food and I ate enough to give me stomach pains for the next few days and I gained 500 lbs and I feel fat and nasty and gross and...wait. Wasn't that the high point of my day?

sigh. But honestly, it was nice to sit around with friends in a group that I will never get to celebrate Thanksgiving with ever again - and be able to realize that while sitting there and make the best of it because you can.

And maybe even because you are getting up at 3 am - not to shop at Fry's or CompUSA; but to go to Milano.

4:05 AM  

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