Thursday, April 17, 2008


Hey, I don't particularly long to have this defunct blog on my list of blogs. Could I please be removed from this and the "Official South Hellian" blog?

I'll repost this there, just in case, as I don't remember who the moderators were for these blogs.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

You people suck. POST!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Zulema!!

South Hall's and the greater Hono(u)rs Program's favo(u)rite Zelly turns 19 today. Yay!

Since we're a group of moderately smart people who can generally manipulate the English language well, I thought we should compose original works to commemorate this event. I think I'll concoct an essay later.

I await your submissions and praises being to Zelly.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Well, any week now you people should be getting an Honorgram in the mail. It took a year, but it is pages full of content, so be amazed! There is also an article regarding this blog, written by Greg, so everyone say "Yay Greg!" and then pray that all those lapsed bloggers return and we possibly get new subscribers. It could happen!

If you are one such person. Welcome!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Just letting you know I'm thinking of putting together a "committee" to draft a letter dealing with certain issues addressed in previous posts. Anyone interested, let me know.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

This is crazy.

Ok, that's it. Quickly, what is your favorite pop culture work? Give me books, films, albums, anything. Tell me what it means to you and then tell us what it means to society, defined however you wish, as a whole. Is there any reason why I should care?

To get things rolling, right now I'm loving Nick Hornby. I'm in the middle of Fever Pitch, his first book, and The Polysyllabic Spree, his latest. I've also read two of his novels, High Fidelity and About a Boy. I love the fact that his very first book is his memoir. That cracks me up every-time. I identify with Hornby in Fever Pitch. I identify with him in The Polysyllabic Spree. I certainly identify with the characters he has created in his novels. All that makes life that much more bearable and even slightly enjoyable. Hornby sneaks deep insights into shallow entertainment. Bless him.

We can't let this thing stagnate any longer. I refuse. POST!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

This just in!

In case you guys haven't heard about this yet, you might want to check it out.